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Posts by John White

Enhancing Your Retirement Savings: Additional Opportunities

Advisor Perspective

Backdoor Roth Contributions, Spousal IRA Contributions, and Mega Backdoor Roth Contributions Life is good. You have a good job with a 401(k) plan, which you think you are maxing out. You are not overspending, so you find your bank account grows year over year. But as your income has grown, so has your tax bill…

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Choosing a Retirement Plan when you own a Small Business

Advisor Perspective

This article is a continuation of our previous article “Choosing a Retirement Plan when you are Self-Employed,” expanding our discussion on retirement plans to cover companies which have employees. Labor markets are tight and as a small business owner you often have to compete with larger organizations for talent. Pay is only a part of…

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Choosing a Retirement Plan when you are Self-Employed

Advisor Perspective

So you’ve started a business or maybe you’ve had one for a long time, or perhaps you are working as an independent consultant…. Congratulations, you can now set up a retirement plan! Unfortunately, the process is more complicated when you are an owner. When you’re an employee your employer makes the decisions about what type…

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Tax Planning for Self-Employed Individuals and Small Businesses

Advisor Perspective

In today’s fluid economy more people than ever have been starting new businesses. This may be to follow your dream, pursue a hot new idea, or transition out of your career in corporate America into the consulting world. No matter the reason, if you are one of these people, your focus is likely on building…

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