Our Clients
JMG is dedicated to providing transparent, objective recommendations and ideal solutions that match each client’s unique financial situation. Whether they need help with financial planning, investment management, estate planning or income tax planning, our clients know they can count on our 24/7 personalized service and attention.
We have strong, lasting relationships with clients from coast to coast. Many of them have been with JMG since day one. These partnerships are built on trust, competence, integrity and service.
Who are our clients?

Sale of a business
We understand hardworking business owners and executives don’t want to spend time researching the financial alternatives of business decisions.
Robert sold his business for cash, plus the purchaser’s agreement, to make payments for approximately 60 percent of the purchase price over a 10-year period. He needed advice about how to report the transaction to minimize his tax liability.
Concerned the purchaser might not be able to make the required payments, Robert initially anticipated using the installment method of reporting. A substantial first installment payment, however, increased Robert’s confidence that the remaining payments would be made. Anticipating higher taxes in the future, his JMG advisor recommended that Robert elect out of the installment method on the day before his return was filed, resulting in a substantial tax savings on the sale.
Read Robert's Story →

Succession planning
Handing down a family business requires strategy. Our advisors help with succession planning and financial structuring, allowing people to make the best decisions.
Margaret was a successful franchisee-entrepreneur. As she neared retirement, she consulted her JMG advisor about the best way to transfer management and ownership of her family business to the next generation.
Her JMG advisor provided analysis and recommendations for the process of turning the business over to younger family members. Through a planned gifting strategy and carefully structured intrafamily loans, Margaret accomplished her goal while preserving her assets.
Read Margaret's story→

Company benefit options
Job changes can present new financial challenges. We explain company benefit plans and help people make appropriate benefit elections.
John, a successful corporate executive, faced numerous financial decisions after receiving a promotion. His compensation increased and he received new company benefits, including stock options and bonuses.
John’s JMG advisor provided guidance on his various benefit options and then monitored the implementation of his decisions. He also advised John on prioritizing family cash flow goals, including college savings, long-term retirement planning, and short-term cash needs.
Read John's Story →

College savings plans
Financial security provides options for families. JMG’s advisors help people make the choices that are best for their situations.
Bill has nine grandchildren and wanted to set up college savings plans for them. He had allocated a discrete sum for this purpose and sought our advice about the best way to achieve his goal.
His JMG advisor helped Bill set up Section 529 plans for his grandchildren. These plans could be funded over time, and the earnings in the accounts are tax-free, which has the effect of increasing the benefit of his gift.
Read Bill's Story →

Challenges of divorce
Many life events can have complex financial ramifications. We provide guidance and advice to help people navigate challenging circumstances.
Janice was going through a divorce and came to JMG for financial advice. Her spouse was a legal professional and had managed the couple’s financial affairs, so she felt ill-prepared to handle the financial complications associated with the process of dissolving a marriage.
Her advisor worked with Janice throughout the process of the divorce, explaining the financial consequences of various decisions. She helped Janice with tax planning, provided investment advice, and made retirement projections, allowing her to take control of her finances. She reconciled her alimony payments and determined that she was not receiving the agreed-upon amount.
Read Janice's Story →

Death of a spouse
Sometimes, life events require people to make financial decisions for which they feel unequipped. We help people make sense of their situations.
Marianne was widowed with two young children. Her late husband had handled financial matters, so she felt unprepared to deal with her family’s finances. She needed assistance with cash flow planning, coordination of investments, funding education expenses, income tax planning, and tax return preparation.
Marianne’s JMG advisor met with her regularly, helping to automate bill payments, facilitating regular disbursements of investment income to help with cash needs, scheduling distributions and investment redemptions to reduce tax liabilities, and, in general, handling every aspect of her financial life with sensitivity to her circumstances.
Read Marianne's Story →

Retirement income forecasting
Retirement planning presents challenges. We help people determine whether they’re adequately prepared for the future and help them craft plans to achieve their retirement goals.
Marcus was concerned his retirement savings were insufficient and that he would need to drastically reduce his spending in retirement. Though he wanted to retire, he was continuing to work because of this uncertainty.
His JMG advisor set up software to help Marcus track his spending, which eased his concerns about his expenses. His advisor also prepared a long-term cash flow analysis that showed his retirement savings were more than he needed to provide for a comfortable retirement.
Read Marcus' Story →

Tax minimization strategies
Tax liabilities can significantly reduce retirement income. Our advisors devise strategies that minimize those liabilities.
Nancy retired with assets sufficient to generate the income she required. She sought to minimize her income tax liability with respect to that retirement income.
Nancy’s JMG advisor worked with her to devise a strategy to convert her existing IRA and 401(k) accounts to Roth IRAs over a period of years, taking into account her taxable investment income and current income tax bracket. As a result, Nancy has substantially less taxable income, but sufficient cash flow to meet her needs.
Read Nancy's Story →

Tax domicile advice
Creative planning can increase financial flexibility. Our advisors are experienced at assessing entire situations to maximize financial independence.
Michael was an Illinois resident, but sought to reduce his income tax liability in the state. Since he had a second home in Florida, he had some flexibility. He consulted his JMG advisor.
Michael’s JMG advisor researched the requirements for establishing residence in Florida and worked with him to change his domicile. The result is that a substantial portion of his compensation and all of his investment income is not subject to state income tax, saving him significant money.
Read Michael's Story →