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JMG Financial Group named as one of the Top 100 Financial Advisory Firms of 2022 by CNBC

JMG Financial Group has been named one of the Top 100 Financial Advisory Firms of 2022 by CNBC.

CNBC Ranking of the top-rated financial advisory firms of 2022 Disclosure

Neither JMG nor any other participating adviser(s) paid a fee to be eligible for the award. JMG is unaware of any undisclosed facts that could potentially invalidate the appropriateness of the award. Award winners are selected each year from an undisclosed pool of qualified candidates. The award is not intended to be representative of any client’s experience because of the way in which it is evaluated. The award was granted by unaffiliated third parties. The award is absolutely not indicative of JMG’s and its advisor representatives’ future performance, or any future performance pertaining to its clients’ investments. This award or any other rankings and/or recognition by unaffiliated rating services and/or publications should not be construed as a guarantee that a client will experience a certain level of results or satisfaction if JMG is engaged, nor should it be construed as a current or past endorsement or testimonial by any of its clients. A copy of JMG’s current written disclosure statement discussing its advisory services and fees remains available upon request.

Additional information about the methodology behind the CNBC Ranking of the top-rated financial advisory firms of 2022 is available here.